Twitter Trending Hashtags and Topics

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your brand. By harnessing the power of hashtags, you can reach an audience on the move and capture their attention with relevant tweets. Hashtags are special keywords used to identify specific content. They’re often used in conjunction with other keywords within a post or thread to provide context and help people find relevant content.

In this article, we’ll explain how hashtags trending on Twitter works and discover the most popular trends across industries and geographies. We’ll also share some of our favorite hashtags and topic lists to follow on social media so you can capitalize on top trends before others have caught on.

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is a keyword or word combination used to categorize content, create a topic or identify a certain issue or point of view. A popular example of a hashtag is the usage of the terms #pregnancy, #lifestyle, and #hubbyprovide during pregnancy. Adding these words makes the content highly relevant to a specific niche.

How to use a hashtag

To create a hashtag, type the word or keyword you desire into the search bar at the bottom of the post or page and select the appropriate option from the pop-up menu. Now, add the hashtags for the location or industry you want to target and select the most relevant topic. For example, if you want your account to be tagged in travel photos, you’d use the general term travel to suggest the type of content you want to include. Now, you can post travel-related content to reap the benefits of inspiring others to travel as well.

Discover marketing trends on Twitter

When it comes to trending topics on social media, there are few that rise above the rest. Those who are willing to stay current with the times will appreciate this, as it makes it much easier to follow the latest marketing trends. To discover the most popular marketing trends on Twitter, scan the top trends in your industry to discover the most popular topics. These trends will help you gauge the general interest in your industry and direct your posts accordingly.

Why use a hashtag?

A large number of brands are now using hashtags to promote themselves and their products. By including these keywords within your posts or direct messages, you can target a much broader audience. Furthermore, you can use these hashtags to create new content topics that will capture the general public’s attention while inspiring those interested in your industry.

Keywords and hashtags on Twitter

To use a hashtag effectively, you need to be aware of the keywords and hashtags used by others. To search for other posts using the same keyword, you can add the # keyword to your posts to query for the most recent content. To find other people’s posts using the same hashtag, use the search box at the top of the page and type in the hashtag you want.


Marketers who are willing to take the plunge and start using social media will find that the power of these platforms can be used to make incredible strides in their business. By capitalizing on current trends in marketing, you can attract potential customers and build brand recognition on the go. With so much potential for success, it’s essential to make the most of these trends. By following these tips, you can stay on top of the latest marketing trends and capture the attention of your audience on the move.